Tuesday 2nd April is World Autism Awareness Day and here at Discovering Days we are proud to support this important day that forms part of the wider campaign, World Autism Awareness Week. We do this by making Autism friendly playground equipment. This is the twelfth...
In the run up to Christmas, when children’s spirits are particularly high and energy levels are peaking, it’s often difficult to curtail the frenzy, and parents and teachers everywhere have soaring stress levels and depleting vitality. Outdoor playtimes are vital for...
As practically every teacher and parent in the UK will know by now, Thursday 1st March 2018 is World Book Day! Yes, it’s the day when every school child in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will be celebrating their favourite books and book characters, and...
Sure it’s easy to source wooden playground equipment quite cheap these days, but what is it that you’re buying when you order from Amazon, or a company that imports cheap outdoor equipment? Outdoor toys are subject to the elements, as well as heavy use, so it’s vital...
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