Purchase Order Details
Procurement Process
Discovering Days has been dealing with public bodies for several years now, and understand the procurement process. That’s why we have put all our purchase order details in once place.
We understand that a lot of schools don’t have the luxury of being able to pay online for items, and strict budgets and tight procurement processes can make buying playground equipment a pain and longwinded.
Purchase order forms are always notoriously long and require information you don’t necessarily know or have to hand.
And getting a company on a preferred supplier list is just as time consuming.
The last thing you have time for, between all the marking, planning, and meetings is hunting through a website to find a VAT number.
That is why we have put all our details needed for a purchase order in one easy place.
We know that buying through procurement can be a nightmare to organise; long forms to fill in with lots of details you don’t have to hand, and procedures to follow.
Below are all the details we think you might need, but if we have missed anything off, just drop us an email.
And don’t worry about your piece being sold whilst the forms go through finance. You can always reserve it with us over email.
When you reserve your piece we will put it to one side and wait for the finance department to send the order. Once we ship you orders we will issue an invoice.
Alternatively, if you can pay online we will ship straight away.
Purchase Details
Registered Name: Swings and Roundabouts (NW) Ltd trading as Discovering Days
Registered Address: 24 Grenada Close, Lower Darwen, Darwen, BB3 0SB
Registered Company Number: 05972099
VAT Number: 896506379
Invoice Terms: 30 days
Discovering Days are already on the approved suppliers list of many local councils. If you want to check if you can easily purchase from us already, give us a call and we will let you know.