Wooden Outdoor Play Equipment Berkshire

Thank you for finding Discovering Days, manufacturer and supplier of wooden outdoor play equipment to our customers in Berkshire.

For Playgroups, Nurseries, Primary Schools

Our products are manufactured in the UK, using sustainable solid timber to a very high standard, designed for playgroups, nurseries and primary schools ideal for children in Key Stages 1 and 2 in Berkshire. We strive to create products that help both physical and mental development of children. Popular products include the mud kitchen, trim trail, activity table, sand pit, hobbit house, story time chair.

For customers in Berkshire

Discovering Days supplies wooden outdoor playground equipment to customers in and around the county of Berkshire, England : Bracknell, Crowthorne, Hungerford, Maidenhead, Newbury, Reading, Sandhurst, Slough, Thatcham, Wokingham

Delivery to Berkshire is normally within 14 days of order, depending on product availability.

Free Standing Timber Trim Trail

Free standing trim trail

Check out our shop or call to order

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